• Every event is enhanced by the magical atmosphere created with the Magic of Marco Pusterla, Member of The Magic Circle
  • cocktail parties, weddings, company presentations, dinners, are all enhanced by the classy magic of Marco Pusterla
  • the magic of Marco Pusterla (MPMagic) amazes all the guest at any event

Stand-Up magic is a kind of show where the performer occupies centre stage, either in a legitimate theatre, or in a function room, or on a cabaret floor, to perform his act. The act has the characteristic to be visible from distance and also gives the audience a feeling of safety, of not being too much involved in the magician's activity.

Marco's show can either be a silent one, which does not involve any spectator's participation and is particularly suited for children's parties, retirement houses and any event where the involvement of the audience is not sought by the organization. Alternatively, a different show may be performed while talking to the audience, and involving them.

The latter is particularly suited for longer performances (40-50 minutes) and in all situations where the audience can still be close to the performer.

This type of show involves different types of magic, from classic card mysteries to apparent mind reading, to lighter elements which should amuse, if not amaze, your audience. The stand-up show is particularly suitable as a cabaret entertainment at weddings, where the magician can create that moment of distraction and laughter to be shared by all the guests at the same time.

When a large show is booked with a close-up one, for events like weddings, dinner-dance, or commercial presentations we can offer a very interesting price.

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