The Georgia Wonder - Barry H. Wiley

The Georgia Wonder
  • Subtitle: Lulu Hurst An The Secret That Shook America
  • Publisher: Hermetic Press, Inc. (2004)
  • ISBN: 0945296460
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 345
  • Category: History / Biography
  • Marco's Rating: Mediocre
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
Reprint of Lulu Hurst's autobiography, where she explains the tricks used to create the illusion of super strength, based on balancing tricks. Unfortunately, no editing has been considered, and the book is very boring, being mostly a collection of articles about Lulu and her exploits, in a Victorian language. Mr. Wiley adds a commentary at the beginning and some details here and there, between chapters and sections, but these don't make the book much more readable. It's however an interesting collection of tricks to demonstrate super strength, and this is the value of the book.

These notes © 2008Marco Pusterla