La Magia Della Mente - Mariano Tomatis Antoniono

La Magia Della Mente
  • Subtitle: Poteri, Suggestioni, Illusioni
  • Publisher: SugarCo (2009)
  • ISBN: 9788871985749
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 182
  • Category: History / Mentalism
  • Marco's Rating: Very Good
  • Language: Italian
Marco's Comments:
Interesting book on the history of mentalism, with some important characters presented, some more important than others, and study of books that somehow relate to the characteristic of the mentalists. While some mentalists are missing (Derren Brown) and others who are considered important by Mariano (like Max Maven) may be debatable, the book is interesting as it's the first one presenting the history of psychich entertainment to the general audience. I've been revising this book months ago and recommended Mariano to remove all the exposure he was planning to publish, which he did. A very interesting book which will be worth to have translated into English.

These notes © 2009Marco Pusterla