Revelations On Legerdemain - Vol. 2 - Mariano Tomatis Antoniono

Revelations On Legerdemain - Vol. 2
  • Subtitle: Trattato Teorico-Pratico Sull'Illusionismo Di Gustavo Rol
  • Publisher: Self published (2003)
  • Type: Pamphlet
  • Binding: Softcover
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 44
  • Category: Mentalism / Mentalism
  • Marco's Rating: Good
  • Language: Italian
Marco's Comments:
Second volume of this series on the "tricks" by Rol, this one is dedicated to the hidden writing, or "Swami Gimmick". It translates the first chapter (step) of Corinda's 13 Steps, and does a nice study on the swami gimmick. It then contains other ideas and an interview to Alexander. Nice book, as usual, and most interesting, especially as it is the first Italian volume on this gimmick.

These notes © 2003Marco Pusterla