El Circo - Ramón Lasaosa Susín

El Circo
  • Subtitle: Colección Fernàndez-Ardavin
  • Publisher: Diputación Provincial De Huesca (2009)
  • ISBN: 9788495005724
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 181
  • Category: History / Collectors
  • Marco's Rating: Very Good
  • Language: Spanish
Marco's Comments:
This is the catalog of an exhibition in Spain, in 2009, of the circus posters of the collection Fernàndez-Ardavin, a company that has been printing posters for circus for about 100 years. They were those printing the posters for the Circus the Parish. The catalog contains a history of the circus and of the performers, and it is illustrated by many posters and photos: Fernàndez had at some stage 10,000 photos of circus and vaudeville performers in his collection. There are some never-seen-before posters of Magicians, especially those of Majeroni that were re-printed by the grand-daughter in her book (M-00199), but also one of Richiardi and photos of Balzar and other magicians never seen before. A great reference book! The dustjacket is slightly creased and shows shelf wear. The interior is sound and clean.

These notes © 2013Marco Pusterla