A Tribute to Robert Harbin - Jim Steinmeyer

A Tribute to Robert Harbin
  • Subtitle: Two Lectures By Jim Steinmeyer Presented for the Magic Circle's Harbin Centenary Celebration, February 2009: "Robert Harbin and the Polemics of Modern Illusion," And "Harbin-Esque"
  • Publisher: Hahne (2009)
  • Type: Lecture Notes
  • Binding: Saddle Stitched
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 20
  • Category: Theory / Stage
  • Marco's Rating: Good
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
Lecture notes by Steinmeyer on Harbin: the first lecture was about the history of illusions and seems more geared towards Maskelyne and Devant than Harbin. The thoughts by Steinmeyer are very good and always interesting. The second lecture is a collection of 5 stage effects with a Bob Harbin's inspiration. The idea Steinmeyer offers for the "flapless envelope" (A Trick for Lillian) is very good and has many possibilities, especially for (semi) impromptu work. Likewise, the "Pasteboard Under Glass" is a practical variation of Harbin's classic effect of card in bottle. Lastly, Steinmeyer presents a book test with a clever method and a good justification to use books for book tests. The other two effects are, for me, the weakest of the lot. An interesting booklet, though.

These notes © 2009Marco Pusterla