Mind Reading And Telepathy - Erik Jan Hanussen - Steinschneider

Mind Reading And Telepathy
  • Publisher: Jummy Bix (2008)
  • ISBN: 9783950019094
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 153
  • Category: Mentalism / Mentalism
  • Marco's Rating: Very Good
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
Translation of the rare book by Hanussen on "Contact Mind Reading", and apparently the best book on this subject. The book has a tear in the spine and it has been slightly bent during shipment, but the content is unaffected. This is a VERY good book on muscle reading, with a number of practical exercises and the presentation of Hanussen's repertoire at around 1918. The idea of "dividing" the working area is very good, as are many of the other small tips presented here and there, especially the ones relating to Cumberlandism with an object (stick) between the mindreader and the subject. The only complain I have is about the layout, which tries to replicate Hanussen's one and splits every sentence in a separate paragraph.

These notes © 2008Marco Pusterla