The Cantrip Codex - Tony Shiels

The Cantrip Codex
  • Subtitle: A Guide For The Advanced Enigmatist
  • Publisher: Tony Andruzzi (1989)
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 116
  • Category: Bizarre Magic / Bizarre Magic
  • Marco's Rating: Good
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
Last book by "Doc" Shiels on the theory on the construction of a bizarre character, along with some tricks. The book is a continuation of "The Shiels Effect", and Tony explains how he used some ideas put forward in that book in the following years (like production of monsters - Loch Ness amongst all). Very interesting, for a character study.

These notes © 2003Marco Pusterla