The Glorious Deception - Jim Steinmeyer

The Glorious Deception
  • Subtitle: The Double Life Of William Robinson, A.k.a. Chung Ling Soo, The "Marvelous Chinese Conjurer"
  • Publisher: Carroll & Graf Publishers (2005)
  • ISBN: 078671512X
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 454
  • Category: History / Biography
  • Marco's Rating: Excellent
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
Certainly the best biography of Chung Ling Soo, very detailed and exceedingly well written. It puts Robinson in the context of his time, other magicians, illusions, the audience and his time. Very good indeed.

These notes © 2005Marco Pusterla