Conjuring - James Randi

  • Subtitle: Being a Definitive History of the Venerable Arts of Sorcery, Prestidigitation, Wizardry, Deception & Chicanery and of the Mountebanks & Scoundrels Who Have Perpretated These Subterfuges on a Bewildered Public, in Short, MAGIC!
  • Publisher: St. Martin's Press (1992)
  • ISBN: 0312086342
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 314
  • Category: History / History
  • Marco's Rating: Good
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
Book on the history of magic by Randi, with many nice illustrations and some interesting facts here and there. Excellent copy. From Gerrard's auction 20/12/11, lot 988.

These notes © 2012Marco Pusterla