The Davenport Story - Vol. 2 - Fergus Roy

The Davenport Story - Vol. 2
  • Subtitle: The Lost Legends
  • Publisher: Lewis Davenport Ltd. (2010)
  • ISBN: 9780956273628
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 341
  • Category: Stage / Stage
  • Marco's Rating: Very Good
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
Second volume in the Davenport's series, containing three hitherto unpublished manuscripts. The first one is Bob Harbin's "lost" book, which is very interesting although not too detailed. It contains some original illusions (untested), some of which could be interesting and practical, then some stage magic with apparatus in the Harbin's style. Very good is his method for the clock dial. The second manuscript is the last "Magic of the Hands" by Victor, with sleights with cards, cups and balls and a rope routine. The last manuscript is very interesting from an historical point of view, as it describes and EXPLAINS the tricks of a number of performers from the latter years of 1800. One of this is Yank Hoe (the inventor ? of snowstorm in China), another the Italian dealer Festa (with a very standard act), but then Buatier de Kolta, Servais LeRoy, Alexander Herrmann, Charles Morritt, etc. This latter contains the explanations of the tricks out of Modern Magic and other books of the time, thus helping contextualizing the tricks. Excellent book!

These notes © Marco Pusterla