Magia - 12 - Massimo Polidoro

Magia - 12
  • Subtitle: Il baro va in scena - Ecco che cosa succede quando tecniche illecite, proibite e illegali si trasformano, in mani esperte, in una forma d'arte sorprendente
  • Publisher: Cicap (2011)
  • ISBN: 9771970891004
  • Type: Magazine
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 194
  • Category: Cards / Cards
  • Marco's Rating: Very Good
  • Language: Italian
Marco's Comments:
12th issue of the magazine "Magia" with Gianfranco Preverino on the cover, his life-story and some tricks by him and other of the regular contributors.

These notes © 2011Marco Pusterla