Farewell Performance - Punx

Farewell Performance
  • Publisher: Exclusive Magical Publication (1991)
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 202
  • Category: Bizarre Magic / Bizarre Magic
  • Marco's Rating: Mediocre
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
Third book of the Punx's Trilogy. Copy not numbered, signed to Jay Marshall by the publisher. It contains a bookmark and a PS note by the publisher. Copy slightly bashed, but in good conditions. I did not really enjoy the material in the book: Punx describes his magic show, in 4 parts, and the tricks to go with it. Most of the material is old, and the patter is antique. Most tricks are not explained in great detail (but they are classic) and it's difficult to understand the impact they may have had. However, the first effect, the memory demostration, is great, probably the most amazing memory demonstration possible.

These notes © 2009Marco Pusterla