Stage Flying - John A. McKinven

Stage Flying
  • Subtitle: 431 B.C. To Modern Times
  • Publisher: Meyerbooks (2000)
  • ISBN: 0916638812
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 2nd Edition
  • Pages: 102
  • Category: Stage / Illusions
  • Marco's Rating: Good
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
Interesting book on the history of stage flying, with a number of obscure references and diagrams of the methods, by an author who was (is?) an expert of theatrical flying. The book doesn't go in the details of how to fly or the techinicalities of the various riggings it describes, but a careful study of the illustrations and some experimenting will make the methods clear: Erix Logan took from this book the method he used for his double flying...

These notes © 2009Marco Pusterla