The Occam's Magic Sampler - Rick Maue

The Occam's Magic Sampler
  • Subtitle: A Collection Of Direct Deception
  • Publisher: Deceptions Unlimited (2003)
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Saddle Stitched
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 45
  • Category: Mentalism / Cards
  • Marco's Rating: Excellent
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
Sampler of Rick Maue's forthcoming book (should have been out in 2003!). It contains some tricks from the book and some exclusive to this manuscript, all mentalism mostly with cards. I started to read something and the ideas are, as usual with Maue, brilliant. It has indeed some excellent effects, especially "Defining the Difference", "Cut to the Chase" and "Card from Wallet". Some interesting essays too, although I don't agree on some of Maue's point of view.

These notes © 2006Marco Pusterla