The Stark Chronicles / Stark: The Man And His Methods - Dean Montalbano

The Stark Chronicles / Stark: The Man And His Methods
  • Subtitle: The Diary And Sketchbook Of Strombil H. Trodworth III
  • Publisher: Leaping Lizards Publishing Co. (2005)
  • ISBN: 1932086935
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 198
  • Category: Bizarre Magic / Bizarre Magic
  • Marco's Rating: Good
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
This is actually a set of 2 books, an hardcover one and a softcover companion. The hardcover contains the presentation of the effects and should look like a diary; the softcover contains the explanations and an interesting code (quite difficult, I would say). The book describes the life and magic of this "Stark" and intends to explain his feats in the second volume. While most of the material is not exciting, three effects are good and worth examining: a tarot decks coincidence (Paul Curry's but with a meaningful presentation), a "slashing" in an arm by a ghost (neat, really neat idea) and a writing that appears on a banner held between hands. The Cipher code is not too good, IMHO, very complex and with no real benefits over other "word" codes.

These notes © 2005Marco Pusterla