Thalia - Ein Hauch Von Großstadt - Philipp Koep

Thalia - Ein Hauch Von Großstadt
  • Subtitle: Die Geschichte Dea Thalia-Theatres In Wuppertal
  • Publisher: Verlag Müller + Busmann (1994)
  • ISBN: 3928766074
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 2nd Edition
  • Pages: 160
  • Category: History / History
  • Marco's Rating: Not Rated Yet
  • Language: German
Marco's Comments:
This book was pointed to me by Gianni Pasqua as containing something about Chefalo. The book is the history of the Thalia theatre in Wuppertal (Germany). It is very interesting, with a page about Chefalo with a couple of photos I haven't seen before, and also a photo of the Riwa Ballett. Quite good condition, too. An interesting book for my research.

These notes © Marco Pusterla