Extraordinary Exhibitions - Ricky Jay

Extraordinary Exhibitions
  • Subtitle: The Wonderful Remains of an Enormous Head, the Whimsiphusicon and Death to the Savage Unitarians
  • Publisher: The Quantuck Lane Press (2005)
  • ISBN: 1593720122
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 172
  • Category: History / History
  • Marco's Rating: Excellent
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
This book illustrates an exhibition of Ricky Jay's broadsides of "allied arts" and unusual performances. It is in extra size, and its design is really superb. Every broadside is reproduced with a facing page with comments. Bosco, Hofzinser, Hermann, are all here, along with Barnum, Cinquevalli, Bertolotti and his fleas, etc. A most fascinating read and curious slice of humanity.

These notes © 2005Marco Pusterla