Dizionario Biografico Dei Bonitesi - Emanuele Grieco

Dizionario Biografico Dei Bonitesi
  • Subtitle: Storia Del Paese Attraverso Alcuni Personaggi Noti E Meno Noti
  • Publisher: Delta3 Edizioni (2007)
  • ISBN: 9788895568089
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 204
  • Category: History / Biography
  • Marco's Rating: Good
  • Language: Italian
Marco's Comments:
This book is a list of mini-biographies of people from Bonito, among which also Chefalo is listed. It was given to me by G. Di Vito, on visiting his museum in Bonito to study Chefalo's memorabilia. While the book is quite dry, it is nevertheless interesting to analyze the village's history and Chefalo's friends and relatives.

These notes © 2007Marco Pusterla