La Magie De Robert-Houdin - Christian Fechner

La Magie De Robert-Houdin
  • Subtitle: Les Secrets Des Soirées Fantastiques
  • Publisher: Editions F.C.F. (2003)
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 502
  • Category: History / Stage
  • Marco's Rating: Very Good
  • Language: French
Marco's Comments:
Lot 222 of Potter & Potter Gambling Auction (29/1/2011). Proof of the 3rd volume on Robert-Houdin, the copy Fechner sent to Richard Hatch to revise. It's signed and contains two signed letters about the book and Fechner's R-H search. The book is a paperback (the published edition was hardback and with another volume containing reproductions of Robert-Houdin's memorabilia from his show. This book contains the explanation of Robert-Houdin's tricks and his theatre, with photos of Robert-Houdin's apparatus. It is very interesting and excedingly well researched, with great illustrations by James Hodges. The trade edition of the book(s) sells for EUR 500.

These notes © 2011Marco Pusterla