Lock Picking (Part One) - David De-Val

Lock Picking (Part One)
  • Publisher: Self published (1987)
  • ISBN: 1871067006
  • Type: Pamphlet
  • Binding: Softcover
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 27
  • Category: Allied Arts / Escapology
  • Marco's Rating: Mediocre
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
I bought the first part of this series to complete it. The book is quite interesting (although, by now, I learnt lock picking) and David explains very carefully the ins and outs of lock picking and has some good advice and care for the detail. I think this could be an excellent primer for lock picking. David uses the book as a mean to advertise his picks and his other merchandise.

These notes © 2006Marco Pusterla