Compendium Sortilegionis - Christian Chelman

Compendium Sortilegionis
  • Subtitle: Etrange Magie De Christian Chelman
  • Publisher: Editions Slatkine (2003)
  • ISBN: 2-05-101926-6
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 256
  • Category: Bizarre Magic / Bizarre Magic
  • Marco's Rating: Good
  • Language: French
Marco's Comments:
Very good book, with a nice graphic interface. Mostly bizarre, and talking about the Surnateum. A couple of chapter are dedicated to standard magic, with the description of the "Magic Box Show", a show on classics of magic as performed by Christian, and about various card tricks, among which his "cards trough magazine" (with Playboy). A very nice idea for the 10 cards poker deal is, I think, my highlight.

These notes © 2003Marco Pusterla