Houdini's Big Little Book of Magic - Anonymous

Houdini's Big Little Book of Magic
  • Publisher: Whitman Publishing Co. (1927)
  • Type: Book
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 296
  • Category: Beginners / Beginners
  • Marco's Rating: Good
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
This book was a complimentary copy of Cocomalt, but this is NOT the Cocomalt edition (which had their ad on the back). A big little book of Magic with one hundred Magic Tricks, and Puzzles selected by Harry Houdini and other Magicians, profusely illustrated with drawings. The original copyright of this book is 1927, and was copyrighted by Beatrice Houdini as Executrix of the Estate of Harry Houdini. see Christopher vol.2 #1410. Quite scarce. Spine missing, cover damaged, some pages have a torn corner. However, a very scarce book. From Gerrard's auction 20/12/11, lot 988.

These notes © 2012Marco Pusterla