The Most Popular Trick In Magic! - Val Andrews

The Most Popular Trick In Magic!
  • Subtitle: Card Rises For... Club, T.V., Close-Up And Cabaret
  • Publisher: Magico Magazine (1980)
  • Type: Pamphlet
  • Binding: Saddle Stitched
  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Pages: 32
  • Category: Cards / Stage
  • Marco's Rating: Mediocre
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
From Bobby Bernard's auction (12/06/2008 - Bloomsbury) - lot 533. A small list of methods for card rises, with fingers, elastics and threads. The methods are described quite quickly and without many details, and no mention is made of mechanic packs. A totally un-necessary book for any library.

These notes © 2006Marco Pusterla