Personal Magnetism / Mind Reading / Hypnotism / Magnetic Healing / Zoism - Anonymous

Personal Magnetism / Mind Reading / Hypnotism / Magnetic Healing / Zoism
  • Publisher: The Research Co. (1901)
  • Type: Pamphlet
  • Binding: Softcover
  • Edition: 2nd Edition
  • Pages: 293
  • Category: Mentalism / Mentalism
  • Marco's Rating: Not Rated Yet
  • Language: English
Marco's Comments:
This is a "home bound" collection of 5 booklets, sold originally as a course in improving own personality. Similar courses are still sold nowadays. The part about hypnotism is quite good, as it describes some experiments that would give immediate success (but aren't - of course - "real" hypnotism), while the "mind reading" part has some good experiments on muscle reading, among which one I never heard about: to open a safe while holding the owner's hand. The book is not exactly in a great condition, but I would not re-bind it.

These notes © Marco Pusterla